Hobbies and Interest Holiday Thoughts


2018年让我在事业上做了一项重大的改变。我离开了一份收入稳定的工作, 决定自己出去闯一闯。从一间私立大学的校友关系部变成一个自食其力的撰稿人。2018年记录很多的第一次。但是每一个第一次都是美好的,每一次都有小小的成长。其中一项就是我自己去了一个我相当喜欢与熟悉的地方 – Langkawi。一般上都是呼朋唤友,三五成群,大家一起去的。但是,这一次我自己一个人去旅行。我其实已经去过Langkawi不少过五次,但这一次是我第一次全凭自己的喜爱来漫游。感触还蛮多的,以下的歌词是借这次旅行自我心底有感而发的:
踏上火车 穿过青葱的山边和草原
搭上飞机 穿过漂浮的白云和晴空

Hobbies and Interest Holiday Thoughts

Observation and ramblings of a Wanderlust

  • Why is the train still full of people at 9am when they should already be at work or in school?
  • We are all a slave to our phones. Everyone was staring at it so intently that they ignored everything else around them, i.e. to move over when someone is trying to squeeze into a full train, to move inside a little more so that the rest of us do not need to sandwich near the door.
  • Have you ever noticed how dirty the handles of the standing straps are on the train? I cannot get past myself to reach out and touch one, let alone to grab it for the entire journey. >_<’’’
  • For the first time, I have to admit that Malaysia has come a long way in trying to make a reliable public transport system. If you are in KL Sentral, you can move from the LRT to the ERL in just 5 minutes if you have the tickets ready and know where you are heading. Even if you are new, the whole process would not have taken more than 10 minutes. That’s serious stuff by the Malaysian standards!
  • The tagline for ERL was ‘On time, every time’. It was true and I was truly impressed!
  • But I also wished that the on-time service, the clean train, and the good quality seats didn’t have to come with such a hefty price. If only the price was 40% cheaper, I’m sure many people will start taking the train to the airport, thereby reducing more carbon footprint.
  • Air Asia came up with a new process which literally passes all the work of tagging and checking the bag into the cargo on to the travellers. That makes me wonder:
    1. Why are we still paying so much to travel when we are already doing so much ourselves (booking, checking in for our flights, tagging the luggages, and now scanning and dropping our own bags? Should we be expecting even cheaper prices from now on since airlines can reduce the number of staff working?
    2. Who came up with the idea of charging so much to travel in the first place?
  • Tuesdays are supposed to be the day where there are the least travellers, and yet the airport is full of people. The flight that I was on was probably 80% full.
  • Why is it that the people from a particular country will keep up a full conversation when one is at the front of the line, and one is at the end of the line…by yelling?
  • And 3 people from another country, potentially the same family, kept up an entire conversation throughout the flight…when they are seated in 3 different rows!
  • I am a traveller who likes to just be in my own world when I’m travelling solo. I plunged into bliss when I put on my mega earphones.
  • Car rental is a very competitive business on an island. They are like vultures, instead of circling above your head, they kept waving their cards at you. It’ll start with just 1 or 2 beckoning you to their counters when you are standing afar, but when you cross over the threshold marked by an invisible line, all 30 people will start fighting for your attention…that’s made me felt like a superstar!
  • A place that I fell in love with 13 years ago has lost its appeal as development took over and removed its charm.
  • Nevertheless, there are still little gems that I have found along the way that have made this trip worthwhile.
  • Have you ever tried travelling solo? If not, try it! You may not like it at first, but if you truly remind yourself to slow down, observe and listen, you will fall in love with it. That’s what happened to me on this trip. <3 <3 <3